Experience Community and William Merritt Centre are delivering a Wheelchair Skills Course! This course…
Our employee advises RCOT and Toyota on car mobility
Lauren Harris, our driving assessment services manager, recently worked with the Royal College of Occupational Therapists (RCOT) to help it construct a handy guide on car mobility for disabled drivers. Toyota was also a partner in the project. The advice includes making adjustments, transporting equipment, vehicle access, parking and preparing for long journeys. It is already proving popular.
“Driving is a great way to be independent, enabling us to take part in social events or travel to work. But it can sometimes be challenging for people with mobility issues to access and drive a car,” Lauren said. “We hope the tips in this guide will help people overcome these challenges and enjoy driving.”
Click here to find out more https://mag.toyota.co.uk/royal-college-of-occupational-therapists/